Give Me Five!

It never ceases to amaze me how we always discover and re-discover aspects about ourselves. This happens to us in small and big ways every now and then, most of the times leaving us surprised.

Last week, I happened to come across Bar-A-Thon just by chance. I wasn’t following Blog-A-Rhythm, who organized this and hence had no idea. Bar-A-Thon is a fortnight-long blogging marathon where participants blog every alternate day on the theme provided or on the prompts given for each day.

The theme – run/ sprint/ marathon/ dash/ chase – caught my attention as I have started running recently and was anyway planning to blog about it. However, writing every alternate day appeared intimidating as I am used to blogging 2-4 times a month. Moreover, most of my posts are related to travel. That’s what energizes me and hence the words just flow out quite effortlessly.

Again, it was already Day-1 of the challenge and the last date of registration was over. A quick query to Blog-A-Rhythm sorted that out. Day-1 also meant that I had to post something that very day. Amidst all the apprehensions, I dived right in and got my feet wet. As always, it was the handiwork of the impulsive me and considering that I have some spare time now – a rare luxury – it didn’t seem too bad afterall. I told myself that I will write as much as I can, quite sure that I wouldn’t land up writing every day of the challenge.

Today is the 5th day of the challenge and I have surprised myself by consistently writing without missing even a single one. Moreover, my anticipation of writing only on the theme of running has been put to rest as I have quite effectively used the prompts. In fact, I wrote only one post on running so far.

Bar-A-Thon enabled me to think differently. My blog was mostly about my travel and few other stories that are quite significant happenings in my life. I would have never thought of writing on things like 108 Suryanamaskars, my virtual workplace, and least of all my shoe hoarding obsession. Had it not been for Bar-A-Thon, these stories would have never seen the light of the day and would have probably been forgotten with time defeating the very purpose of my blog. Cheers to Bar-A-Thon and a virtual high five on that.

When I started blogging a year back, again quite randomly, I had no idea of such activities/challenges. Later when I got to know, I didn’t bother to follow along as I thought I could never do it.

There are a million different ways of discovering new things about ourselves. It’s a clichéd thought I know but it is true that we have no idea of what we are capable of nor do we know ourselves entirely. Our true selves are revealed through situations, often times surprising us and catching us completely unaware.

Pic Credit: DeviantArt

Most often, we underestimate our capabilities and get intimidated by the magnitude of a task before us. So, let’s leave behind all assumptions and preconceived notions about ourselves. Let’s strive towards keeping our minds like a blank slate, as we never know what awaits us just round the corner.

Post in response to Day-5 prompt'Give me Five!' for Bar-A-Thon: The Blogging Marathon